March 05, 2008

2 pager of beach combers

It was beautiful up here today, lots of folks out enjoying the sun. I started with the left page painting of the Dad and his two boys. They seemed to be having lots of fun. The older boy looked about 5 and the younger one (in front) was about 3. The little one kept doing everything the older one did like carrying the staff. I had actually left and then decided to go back and paint the other page which is why the sea isn't fully consistent. The horizon is actually straight but I had a rough time with the photo so it looks like it slants up. On the first one, I painted the horizon water all the way across then put in the rocks, consequently, the shadowing on the rocks isn't correct. While I was painting I was listening to the barking of the sea lions and the sound of the fog horn mixed with the cry of the ever present seagulls. This week has just been one of those where I can't seem to hold the brush the right way to paint. Painted LOTS nothing would come out the way that I wanted it too. Hopefully things will be better from here on out...


Blogger Lin said...

Oh hon, I so know those days of art frustration -- but they do end eventually -- and yet TAmi -- these two are wonderful!!! From the sea to the figures to therocks -- a wonderfully captured moment in time - jornalistic and charming!!! LOVELY WORK!!! Keep going, cara!

5:08 AM  
Blogger Brenda Yarborough said...

I agree with Lin, these are at the top of the list of your best! You've captured the essence of the scene--and I SO envy your "people" as I find them difficult to put into landscapes!! A tremendous job.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Tami said...

Thank you both SO MUCH for your encouraging words. I think if it weren't for all of you, I would have believed the inner voice that wants to know, "what ever gave me the idea that I could paint?". I know part of the difficulty I'm experiencing is just growing pains and NOT PRACTICING ENOUGH...

7:57 AM  
Blogger Teri said...

These are just perfect Tami!! My favorites of your work!

8:38 AM  
Blogger Brenda Yarborough said...

Oh Tami! I've been right there with you, wondering what in the world I think I'm trying to accomplish with my painting. Yep, we just need to PRACTICE! I've been working on a lighthouse painting of the one in Crescent City (Battery House) and it makes me think of you!! Wish I could be there instead of working from ref photos.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

The figures are beautifully convincing - just the right postures for beach activities. Water and waves are so tricky - I've tried often enough - I think careful copying of others' works or study from books might pay off in this topic for me.

3:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uour beach scenes and prwvious sea scape are all very, very nice Tami. As everybody else have said before me, you've done great in capturing the moment. Love what you've done!

9:01 AM  

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