Lost World
I've been browsing around on wet canvas quite a bit of late and found an old link on pouring. It sparked an interest. We did a bit of pouring and using of salt and saran wrap, last year when I took a painting class from Jana. At the time, I was trying to learn more techniques for photo realistic painting. Of late, I've been trying to get away from such controlled and detailed painting, so the pouring on WC grabbed my interest.
In reality, I started out way too dark for a first pour but my "images" popped out and for me, were in the right places anyway, so it worked out fine. Looking at it last night I was going to paint on it to bring out what I see, but decided it would be more fun for the viewer to fine their own things...It was fun and did take me off in a different direction. I may try another one soon and see if I can "control" the out come a little more. Gawd! I get away from control, just to try and recapture it! LOL