April 03, 2006

Name that produce...

Conversation I had in the grocery store:

Clerk: What kind of peppers are these?
Me: I don't know, they were 3.99 a lb., I was getting them to draw.
(The line behind me is building up)
Clerk: And this?
Me: It is curly kale (common name use in the nursery), I am very confident on this one, I work in the nursery)
(Doesn't come up in the data base under that name)
Clerk: Another price check , please.
(Line continues to build)
Turns out to be called "Savoy salad), I have no idea what Savoy salad is, no botanical reference...
Lesson learned: READ THE LABEL, when you are picking up cool stuff in the produce department to draw. Last night I brought home "Savoy cabbage"; clerk had no problem identifying it.


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